3 Hewan Yang Bisa Menyimpan Air Di Tubuhnya Untuk Bertahan Hidup

3 Hewan Yang Bisa Menyimpan Air Di Tubuhnya Untuk Bertahan Hidup

3 Hewan yang Bisa Menyimpan Air di Tubuhnya untuk Bertahan Hidup

These hardy creatures are well-adapted to survive in harsh desert environments, where water is scarce and temperatures can soar to extreme heights.

3 Hewan Yang Bisa Menyimpan Air Di Tubuhnya Untuk Bertahan Hidup

How Camels Store Water

Contrary to popular belief, camels do not store water in their humps. Instead, their humps are reservoirs of fatty tissue, which can be metabolized to produce water and energy when needed.

Here’s a breakdown of how camels manage water:

  1. Efficient Kidneys: Camels have highly efficient kidneys that minimize water loss through urine.
  2. Dry Feces: Their digestive system extracts maximum water from food, resulting in dry feces.
  3. Concentrated Urine: Camels can produce highly concentrated urine, further reducing water loss.
  4. Tolerance to Dehydration: They can tolerate significant dehydration levels (up to 30-40% of their body weight) without experiencing adverse effects.

Adaptations for Desert Survival

In addition to water storage, camels possess several other adaptations that enable them to thrive in the desert:

  • Thick Fur: Provides insulation against extreme heat and cold.
  • Wide Feet: Prevents sinking in the sand.
  • Long Eyelashes and Nostrils: Protect against sand and dust.

Camels have been indispensable to humans for centuries, serving as a mode of transportation, a source of food and clothing, and a symbol of resilience in arid landscapes.

2. The Thorny Devil: A Master of Water Harvesting

The thorny devil (Moloch horridus) is a small, spiky lizard native to the arid regions of Australia. Despite its fearsome appearance, this reptile is a master of water harvesting, employing ingenious strategies to obtain and store water in one of the driest continents on Earth.

Water Collection Mechanism

The thorny devil’s skin is covered in tiny grooves that act as capillaries, channeling water towards its mouth. This unique adaptation allows the lizard to collect water from various sources, including:

  • Dew: Condensation on the skin during cool nights.
  • Rain: Rainfall collected on the body surface.
  • Moist Sand: Absorbing moisture from damp sand.

How Thorny Devils Store Water

Once collected, the water is transported to the lizard’s mouth through capillary action. From there, it is swallowed and stored in specialized subcutaneous pouches located beneath the skin. These pouches can hold a significant amount of water, allowing the thorny devil to survive for extended periods without access to other water sources.

Other Adaptations

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